
Swim meet success!

I just wanted to say thank you to all the parents and volunteers this weekend who stepped up to make the meet a success.  After a slow start the meet really took off and we were able to run a very fun and fast meet.  We couldn't do it without all of you!

The music was great!  The snack bar was amazing!  My coaches were just wonderful!  But the one thing that stood out more than anything on Sat. was the super fast swimming our kids did!  Wow!  Our kids were dropping time like crazy.  All the hard work they are putting in during practice is really showing.  The coaching staff is very proud or our Dolphins!  We know you are too.

I will be sending another email later to explain some of the swim meet changes with our new league.  It may take some time to figure it all out but I will keep trying to let you all know what is going on as I know what is going on.  

See you out there!


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